Strategy is our content.

Strategic solutions aimed at transforming, protecting, and strengthening brands.

Destino Canadá Recebe prêmio do programa Viagem Cultural

Destino Canadá Recebe prêmio do programa Viagem Cultural

Evento de 10 anos do Programa Viagem Cultural, da Rede TV premia destinos parceiros.

Sheila Nassar e os 8 Cs da força F no turismo


A empresária, mãe e CEO da Vertebratta, faz uma análise do segmento e do lugar do feminino como forçafundamental para o setor

Canadá, o número 1

Canadá, o número 1

Em 2017, o país – eleito pela Lonely Planet, uma das principais mídias de viagem do mundo, como melhor destino para se visitar – comemora aniversário de 150 anos e prova, de costa a costa, que realmente é inesquecível opção paraconhecer.

Canadá é destaque da Turismo Week

Canadá é destaque da Turismo Week

Lançada hoje pela Braztoa (Associação Brasileira das Operadoras de Turismo) a segunda edição da Turismo Week traz o Canadá como o grande destaque dos destinos internacionais. A Turismo Week, considerada a maior promoção deviagens do país para a...

Canadá celebra 150 anos e se projeta como destino

Canadá celebra 150 anos e se projeta como destino

Câmbio vantajoso e atrações são estímulo para turistas em 2017

"Não são 15 minutos de fama, são 20 anos de história"

"Não são 15 minutos de fama, são 20 anos de história"

A Vertebratta, em cinco anos ficou conhecida no trade de turismo como uma agência de publicidade com criações inovadoras e estratégia consistente. Já o UOL, ampliava sua rede de serviços e oferecia o UOL Antivírus.


Tourism industry

Planning Roadshows with partners in the tourism industry;

  • • Planning, development and implementation of joint marketing actions;
  • • Creation of newsletters;
  • • Development of materials at sales points;
  • • Development of relationship with stakeholders of destinations and the tourism industry;
  • • Industry monitoring in the development of products of destination;
  • • Participation and participation in fairs and roadshows with tourism industry partners;
  • • Training events dedicated to the destination.

Media relations

Planning, development and implementation of media relations strategies;

  • • Proactive strategies for guidelines suggestions;
  • • Crisis management;
  • • Stakeholder management;
  • • Integration between consumer, trade and media relations tactics;

Consumer marketing

Elaboration of content for all types of media;

  • • Development, management and advertising investments in social media;
  • • Advertising; Relationship marketing, involving online media, TV, radio, video, promotions and design of materials and supplements;
  • • Brand alignment;
  • • Planning, development and implementation of media plans (digital and printed);
  • • Elaboration and distribution of newsletter.
  • • Team with 25 years of specialization in cooperative media plans


Key account and media services throughout Brazil and Latin America;

  • • Qualitative market research on consumer behavior;
  • • Planning of budget, reconciliation and financial projects;
  • • Expertise in media relations;
  • • Mailings own media relations;
  • • Reports (financial, marketing, ROI, tactical);



  • Having worked with this company for several years, I have always counted on Vertebratta’s support of its clients’ promotion. Their deliverables are exceptional and have enabled us to forge important connections and valuable opportunities. It is an honor and a pleasure to work with this level of professionals to help me strategically develop a destination of such importance as Canada.
    Schultz Tour Operator - Saulo Pezzi Reis Junior, Product Manager
  • We have worked with Vertebratta for almost 15 years, this company being one of the most serious, reliable and capable companies in the industry. The quality of all its tactics and strategic intelligence is notable.
    CT Operator - Fabiano Turini de Camargo, Manager Partner
  • To think strategically in the tourism market, which faces many difficulties and is extremely sensitive to international influences, is challenging. This company, through many targeted tactics, is in the spotlight for achieving excellent results in this market environment.
    Orion Tour Operator - Leonardo Barbosa, Sales Director
  • I have known this company for several years, and I’ve always supported and have always counted on Vertebratta's support regarding its clients’ promotion. Their work is above par and exceptional, it already earned me important connections and valuable opportunities, it is an honor and a pleasure to count on this level of professionals to help me strategically develop a destination as important as Canada.
    Schultz Tour Operator - Saulo Pezzi Reis Junior, Product Manager
  • I have only had positive experiences, I like the way Vertebratta directs its attention to the specific needs of each media vehicle.
    Freelance Journalist - Heloísa Cestari, Reporter and Editor
  • Their work is objective and serious.
    CI Intercambio, student trips - Jan Wrede, International Department Director

Now it's up to you!

Let's set up a meeting?


Rua Gilberto Sabino, 65 #161
CEP 05425-020

Pinheiros• São Paulo - SP

Tels.: +55 (11) 3816-7871 NOVO!


Rua Paes Leme, 215 - Pinheiros,

CEP 05424-150

São Paulo - SP.
+55 (11) 3816-7871 NEW#!